What We Believe.

We believe – That the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God the Father, and that God the Father is the One true God and no other exists.

We believe – That God exists in 3 parts, God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, and that these 3 parts act as the One true God – The Holy Trinity.

We believe – That Jesus is the Christ, Mosiah, born of a virgin and of God by the Holy Spirit.

We believe – That Jesus died, crucified, for the Sins of the whole world as an atonement for us to God the Father.

We believe – That Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later and is alive, seated at the right hand of God the Father.

We believe – That there is an appointed time that Jesus will come back to collect His faithful followers from this world.

We believe – That Sin has separated the human race from God the Creator and that God has sentenced a punishment for sinners to an eternal fire called Hell along with the Devil and his angels.

We believe – That through Faith in Jesus and what His death paid for on the cross, the human race can be Saved from Hell.

We believe – That today, if Jesus has showed Himself to you, that if you confess your sins to Him and believe in His name, that He will also Save you from that punishment.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Paoli Indiana, United States